
with our CEO
GRI 102-14, 102-15

At Metalsa, we are passionate and devoted to generating sustainable solutions to the ever-growing challenges in the world and in our industry. COVID-19 has stretched us in many ways and in different spectrums. It has placed numerous difficulties in the way; we had to confront this crisis, while at the same time, it has granted us a lot of lessons for the betterment of our future. At the end, the experience we are living has helped us grow as a company, to be agile, to be high performing, but more importantly, it has help us grow as human beings, to remain people oriented, humble and transcendent. This crisis made us stronger and our determination has grown to cultivate a better world.

While our industry is still challenged by the pandemic effects, today at Metalsa, we are delighted to contribute to the acceleration of our industry transformation towards zero emission vehicles. The automobile for many years equated to pollution; nonetheless, now a real shift has started, and we are all-in, supporting our customers and supply base to make it happen. We embrace the electrification change.

We are here for the long run and we completely committed to the ten principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption stated by the United Nations Global Compact. We will continue driving towards accomplishing long-term sustainable development goals as a company.

Sustainability is at the core of Metalsa, and as such, we build upon our principles and strategies responsibly to ensure our actions have a positive impact, guaranteeing a long-term economic and social value for our stakeholders.

We invite you to learn more about our work, our results, and our aspirations through this report.

Special thanks to all of you that participated in the elaboration of this work and to make it a reality.