

The governance bodies of Metalsa are committed to implementing and maintaining the highest standards of Corporate Governance in the Company.

Board &

GRI 102-18, 102-19, 102-20, 102-22, 102-23, 102-24, 102-28, 102-35, 102-36
Board of Directors

All our governance bodies are controlled by Grupo Proeza’s guidelines and integrated by several committees.

The Proeza Board of Directors is Metalsa’s highest governance body, followed by Metalsa Advisory Board.

This body is responsible for making high-impact decisions for Shareholders, such as investments, acquisitions, important changes in the debt policy, changes of ownership, monitoring risks, among others. This Board consists of twelve members, including the chairman, six proprietary directors and five independent directors.

Enrique Zambrano Benítez
Chairman of the Board
Six family members
Proprietary Directors
  • Alberto Mulás Alonso
    Independent Director
  • Francisco Garza Egloff
    Independent Director
  • León Kraig Eskenazi
    Independent Director
  • Peter Hawthorne
    Independent Director
  • Salvador Alva Gómez
    Independent Director
Metalsa Advisory Board

The Metalsa Advisory Board is responsible for the business management and represents the shareholders’ interests. Its current members are Pablo Guadalupe Zambrano Benítez, Leopoldo Cedillo Villarreal and Rodrigo de la Maza Serrato. The main responsibilities of the Board are:

  • Authorize the strategic long-term plans for growth and development proposed by Metalsa’s Leadership Team (MLT) coordinated with Grupo Proeza.
  • Question, validate and approve Metalsa’s operating plans, as well as annual operating budgets.
  • Observe and supervise the development of Metalsa’s projects.
  • Establish the company’s strategic direction according to the plan prepared by top management.

The Metalsa Advisory Board, designated and approved by the Proeza Board of Directors, is comprised by three independent directors, two executives and four proprietary directors from Grupo Proeza.

All Board members lead their own teams and committees to listen about business performance and the needs of the different business units to achieve goals established by the company. Each Board member has specific targets in their own influence areas, and their compensation is based on the achievement of such goals.

In Addition, Proeza has an accountability indicator for performance and compliance with the different processes they lead; depending on the item affecting the company, the Culture and Process Control Committees determine each Board member’s accountability.

Dan Ninivaggi
Independent Director (Chairman)
Ralf Cramer
Independent Director
Tony Posawatz
Independent Director
Leopoldo Cedillo Villarreal
Jorge Garza Garza
Pablo Zambrano Benítez
Proprietary Director
Juan Carlos Zambrano Benítez
Proprietary Director
Mauricio Morales Zambrano
Proprietary Director
Karla Bailléres Zambrano
Proprietary Director

The Metalsa Advisory Board and committees analyze specific matters and issue recommendations to the Board.

Leadership team

Metalsa’s Leadership Team is accountable for all business decisions and operations’ supervision. The company’s coordinator is the Chief Executive Officer, who is responsible for translating Proeza’s requirements and guidelines into goals and strategies for Metalsa. The MLT must observe and manage all operations, so the established targets are met with the highest quality standards.

Two committees support the Boards with their responsibilities:

Metalsa Extension Audit Committee

Its objective is to exercise the authority conferred by the Proeza Board of Directors to supervise and ensure compliance with accounting, legal, financial and tax policies in Metalsa, as well as to identify and monitor the main business risks.

Main action lines:

  • Internal Control. Ensure the correct implementation of policies and controls among the business processes to minimize risks.
  • Internal Audit. Assure compliance to policies, procedures, controls and main business risks mitigation.
  • External Audit. A third party that complements the activities performed by internal control to ensure compliance with policies and controls.
Finance Committee

Appointed by the Metalsa Advisory Board with the approval of the Proeza Board of Directors, to assist them in carrying out its responsibilities relating to financial strategy, financial policies, investments, risk management, and the financial condition of the company.

Jorge Garza
Chief Executive Officer
Eduardo Barreda
Chief Financial Officer
Ciro Valdés
Light Vehicles SBU Coordinator
Rubén de León
Commercial Vehicles SBU Coordinator
Joe El-Behairy
Emerging BU Coordinator
Liliana Durán
Human Development Coordinator
Ricardo Alemán
Research & Development Coordinator

Code of Conduct

GRI 205, 206, 406, 407, 408, 409, 412, 415, 419: 103-1, 103-2, 103-3
GRI 102-16, 102-17, 102-25, 205-1, 205-2, 205-3, 206-1, 406-1, 412-1, 412-2

We are committed to abiding by the laws, standards and regulations that govern us, as well as adopting the highest ethical standards to conduct business.

For Metalsa, a culture of integrity is crucial to achieving the sustainable growth of the company. The high levels of trust that Metalsa offers, and its solid business reputation, make it easier to operate successfully and open up new markets. Likewise, these factors enable us to attract and retain the best talent, customers and suppliers, as well as to contribute, within the framework of the law, to the well-being of the communities where we operate, through social projects.

For this reason, we have a Code of Conduct in place, aimed at regulating collaborators’ behavior so it is always ethical. In addition, Metalsa’s Code of Conduct is encompassed by Metalsa Culture guidelines, which govern the behaviors that all collaborators must adopt to carry out their duties within the Company. Some of the behaviors promoted by this document are equal opportunities and non-discrimination, free and fair competition in the market, Human Rights protection, anticorruption practices, compliance with standards, elements to offer the best customer service, among others.

As members of the Metalsa institution, all collaborators have the obligation to know and comply with the provisions of the Code of Conduct. To achieve this goal, collaborators familiarize themselves with this document from the beginning of the work relationship with the company. Likewise, they must take an online course every year to reinforce their knowledge of the ethical conduct that must be followed in carrying out the tasks assigned to them.

Visit our Code of Conduct

All our operations are aligned with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) requirements.

We have carried out assessments in 100% of our sites to ensure the protection of Human Rights.

All our collaborators are trained on Human Rights topics.

Conflict Minerals

Conflict Minerals refers to materials sourced in Democratic Republic of the Congo that finance armed conflicts in the region. Armed groups in that area earn hundreds of millions of dollars every year by trading conflict minerals and their derivatives. These are products of slavery, child labor, pillaging, extortion, violence, among other inhuman acts, that the armed groups exert all over this region.

Conflict Mineral initiatives require for the metal processing industry to make an extensive investigation of the smelters they source from and try to trace the metal ore up to the extraction point. Our Conflict Minerals Policy requires materials’ suppliers to provide yearly the last released version of Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT), verifying that the contained information is accurate and up to date. Those suppliers which are directly involved in the metal processing industry must request directly to the smelters to join the Conflict Free Certification Process.

Transparency Line

Our Transparency Line is an anonymous, confidential and independent tool to report any deviation from the Code of Conduct or our values to promote ethical behaviors among all our stakeholders. Reports may be sent 24/7, through local numbers for each country or through the website. Every report is sent to Proeza’s Transparency Committee and Internal Audit for their investigation and resolution.

In 2020, 90 reports were received, of which 88% were satisfactorily resolved, most of the reports were on the categories of: abuse of power, unfair labor practices and conflict of interests.

Visit our Transparency Line